PCHF Stan Perron Early Career Researcher (ECR) Award 2024

This is a preview of the PCHF Stan Perron Early Career Researcher (ECR) Award 2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Our Purpose

Perth Children's Hospital Foundation Ltd. (PCHF) is the official and largest funder of the Perth Children's Hospital and the wider Child and Adolescent Health Service after government. Our purpose is to fuel the fight on the frontline to help children get well and stay well. 

Primary Focus

The primary focus of the Foundation is to promote the control and/or prevention of disease in children. The Foundation's fundraising efforts complements, rather than substitutes, the funding provided to the hospital and broader health service by Government. The Foundation funds:

  • Ground-breaking research 
  • The most advanced equipment and technology
  • The expertise of highly trained clinicians from Australia and around the world
  • Innovative education and training programs
  • Positive patient experiences

PCHF Stan Perron Charitable Foundation (SPCF) Early Career Research (ECR) Award 2024 Grant Application Guidelines

Before applying for the PCHF Stan Perron Charitable Foundation (SPCF) ECR Award, applicants should familiarise themselves with the application guidelines, process and eligibility criteria as outlined here.

Definition of an Early Career Researcher (ECR)

Are you an ECR? We define ECRs as researchers within the CAHS system, who are either:

  • Health professionals who have had their postgraduate research qualifications (defined as either a Masters by research, or a PhD) for less than five years full time or equivalent


  • Health professionals who do not have postgraduate research qualification and have not led a research project of their own, however have research experience such as undertaken research as part of a team, as co-investigator. In such cases this experience should be less than five years full time or equivalent.

For any queries regarding the PCHF Stan Perron Charitable Foundation (SPCF) ECR grant application Guidelines, Process, eligibility or filling out this application form, please contact us on (08) 6456 8350 during business hours or email grants@pchf.org.au.

Please confirm that you have read the PCHF Stan Perron Charitable Foundation (SPCF) Early Career Research (ECR) Award 2024 PCHF Grant Application Guidelines. * Required

Perth Children's Hospital Foundation Objectives

Projects that aim to transform the future of child health, address critical areas of unmet need and promote the control or prevention of disease in children are encouraged to apply. Whilst it is expected that some projects funded by the Foundation will relate to the treatment or care of children suffering injury, or the improvement in the general health and well-being of children and adolescents throughout Western Australia, these will be in the minority.

For this funding award the Perth Children's Hospital Foundation and the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation joint strategic aim is to support, via philanthropy, translational research focused on paediatric research focused on paediatric outcomes that positively impact and improve the health and well-being of West Australian children.

We recommend considering how your research aligns with both the Perth Children's Hospital Foundation objectives as listed below and the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation's vison and values as outlined in the Perron Way Statement.

Please indicate which PCHF objective(s) your project will set out to accomplish.  * Required
Response required.Response required.
Please tick all that apply.

Eligibility Criteria

Please answer the below eligibility questions. Note "core business" relates to equipment procurement, projects, and clinical positions that are essential to day-to-day operations and are core to the delivery of paediatric health services throughout Western Australia and/or are seen by PCHF to be the responsibility of the government to fund.

Please find the PCHF Stan Perron Charitable Foundation (SPCF) Early Career Research (ECR) Award 2024 Grant Application Guidelines for further information. If you are uncertain if your project meets PCHF's eligibility criteria, please email grants@pchf.org.au.

1. Has the project received all relevant CAHS approvals prior to submission? * Required
E.g. Finance, Medical Technology and Management Unit (MTMU), Product Evaluation Standardisation Committee (PESC)etc.
2. Is the project/program being led by someone other than a PCH or CAHS employee? * Required
3. Will the project or program be delivered outside PCH or CAHS-approved sites? * Required
4. Is the request for funds to replace, repair, or upgrade core equipment? * Required
5. Is the project or program considered core to the day-to-day operations of the PCH or CAHS? * Required
6. Does the application fund core clinical positions? * Required
7. Does the project or program fund personal academic studies? * Required
8. Has this project been funded by CAHS or the government previously? * Required

Projects which have selected Yes to any items from 2 to 7 above are not eligible for funding from PCHF.

Please review the PCHF Stan Perron Charitable Foundation (SPCF) Early Career Research (ECR) Award 2024 Grant Application Guidelines and eligibility criteria available on our website.

You are welcome to contact the PCHF Grants team at grants@pchf.org.au or 6456 5550 to further discuss your project's eligibility for PCHF funding if required.

PCHF Application Process

  1. Applications will be assessed according to the PCHF Application Process. More details here: Grants Toolkit
  2. All PCHF Research and Expertise applications will be assessed by our Scientific Advisory Committee, then our Grants Sub Committee and Board (for applications over $20,000). You will receive application status notifications at each stage.
  3. Perth Children's Hospital Foundation staff primarily come from non-medical backgrounds. Please bear this in mind when providing your responses to the questions that follow.